Wednesday 21 March 2012

Spring in the garden

I've always thought that the first day of spring was the 21st March but the spring equinox doesn't always occur on this day and this year the equinox was yesterday, March 20th.

Anyway, these photographs are a record of my garden today which is either the first or the second day of spring!


Simply Authentic said...

Beautiful! The green looks lovely as is but I bet it's wonderful to see the pops of color again too....

Everydaythings said...

beautiful! I love the primulas best - that garden really pops with colour!

Heather L. said...

Your pictures are beautiful!!!! Last night I planted lots and lots of daffodils, hyacinth, tulips and primroses. They are already "past" for this year but I'm planting them in the garden for next year! It will be a long wait, but it was a very cheap way to add to my garden.

willow said...

All the hyacinths in the garden have been bulbs that have flowered in the house and then been planted out in the garden. When the boys were small, every year they chose a bulb each to grow in those glass bulb jars. After living here for twenty years I have quite a selection, they don't bloom as well after few years but still good value for money.