Wednesday 23 July 2014



Blue skies and ripening wheat,

hogweed in the verges

bindweed in the hedges,

meadowsweet by the stream

thistledown floating on the breeze

and even a few early blackberries.

That was a long blog break and I'm not even sure why. I haven't been taking my camera out and without photographs, I haven't been posting.

Here are a few photographs from my walk to break the blog silence. It has been very warm and dry and although this is the first day of the school holidays, already there are signs of summer passing.


VintagePretty said...

Hello Willow,

Sorry for the lack of comments. It does look like summer's in full swing with you. I was surprised when we went for our walk last weekend that the fields of wheat and rapeseed had turned colour so quickly! Only the other week it was so green and vivid and now, suddenly it is golden. How time is flying!

I hope that you get your camera mojo back soon :)

Best wishes,
Tash from

Heather LeFebvre said...

How fun that your son is here in Indiana! Logansport is about 1.75 hours north of us. Good friends here often drive there to visit their parents. The weather has been spectacular this summer although we did have heavy storms yesterday so I hope the campers did not have too much trouble. Otherwise it is a beautiful time of year to visit. Funny to think that your school holidays have just begun as the schools here start back next week!!! Hard to believe. I'm excited to get back to school but don't like the thought of 180 days until we get off for the summer again. At least we will have summer weather for 2 more months.