Wednesday 26 August 2015

holiday photographs, Bergen (2)

A few more photographs from our stay in Bergen. These are from Mount Floyen. There are numerous footpaths up to this hill or there is a funicular railway, the station is very central near the harbour and fish market, which takes you up to 320 metres above sea level. We chose to take train up and walk down and enjoy the gentle walks through the woods at the top. The paths were very well maintained and there were plenty of signs to keep us on the right track.

Then there was this sign which didn't offer much practical help but made me smile.

It was a very quiet day, no sun or wind but just very soft gentle light which made the place seem quite magical.

The area around Bergen has high rainfall (luckily for us, not while we were there) giving rise to lush growth and many shades of green,

lots of orchids

and these very pretty flowers which I didn't recognise and haven't been able to identify yet.

Our destination was Brushytten, a small hut and cafe in the middle of the woods.

 We took our coffee outside and sat on rocks enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

It was a wonderful place to sit quietly for a while. The Japanese have a phrase  Shinrin Yoku (video) which can be translated as forest bathing.  There is increasing evidence that walking in woodland has many health benefits and in a place like this it was easy to see why.

After coffee, a walk back down, past more orchids

more ponds

until we reached the streets with glimpses of Bergen through the trees.

Finally a photograph looking up at the summit of the funicular railway taken from the bustling harbour. Such a contrast, two completely different places just a few minutes apart on the train


Candyce said...

I felt like I did Shinrin Yoku just looking at the lovely photos you took. I enjoyed the video too. I must do more of that. Thank you for sharing such lovely photos of your trip!

willow said...

It was such a lovely place and so easy to reach the woods from the city. A few of the paths are lit until 11pm so that anyone can get some exercise ad forest time after a day at work - such a lovely idea.