Wednesday 14 September 2016


These days, September and October are my favourite months. I've always preferred spring with its freshness and promise but, perhaps something to do with getting older, now the slower days of autumn appeal more.

This year we have the autumnal cobwebs, berries and early mornings but in the middle of the day, a real indian summer with temperatures in the 20ºs. It is a perfect combination.

There is a stillness about autumn, the crops have gone and the weeds and wildflowers grow before the ground is ploughed. The fields are full of birds feasting on any grains left behind. Pigeons mainly.

We walked around a local lake on Sunday, very calm and quiet.

The leaves are beginning to fall.

The skies at sunrise have been amazing, this has been my morning view this week.

Autumn has come to the garden too. This is our little front garden, the cyclamen get better each year as new self seeded plants appear.

1 comment:

Heather LeFebvre said...

We had a lot of cobwebs last weekend! It seemed unusual for us but I remember SO many in Scotland. Ours were lovely last weekend! Even had one that made a web overnight on the living room flower arrangement! ha!