Saturday 2 February 2013

February and the first snowdrops

The snowdrops were underneath the snow, patiently waiting for the space and light to show themselves.

January has been a tiresome month here, no real problems but between us we've dealt with a few little irritations of life, vertigo, snow and ice, flu, broken laptop, broken phone etc so I am happy to bid farewell to the first month of the year and look at February as a fresh start.

The garden and the countryside is slowly waking and there are leaves of celandines, clumps of fern-like cow parsley and the first shoots of "Lords and Ladies" appearing in the verges. February seems a good time for new beginnings.

Happy February to everyone.


Everydaythings said...

those snowdrops are gorgeous, do they have a scent?

willow said...

No, there isn't any real scent but then I only have a few. When I saw large numbers of snowdrops last year I don't remember much of a scent, certainly not like daffodils or bluebells.

Heather L. said...

I am determined to buy bulbs for snowdrops this year and plant them. I remember them from my childhood and they were such a lovely harbinger of spring. I want my children to know them too.

willow said...

I bought mine "in the green", that is when they have finished flowering but the leaves haven't died down. I understand that they get established in the first spring ready to flower the next and that planting the dry bulbs is less successful.