Friday 9 October 2015


I haven't posted a knitting post for some time, mainly due to lack of knitting! These past few months have been busy, I have three sets of curtains to make (one done, two to go) and I tend to knit less in the summer anyway.

There have been a couple of finished projects. These socks knitted with Beregere de France Goomy 50. I bought the wool whilst on holiday in Shetland. I often buy a couple of balls of sock wool when on holiday, a souvenir although in this case made in France! I did also buy some Jamieson's wool to make a hat and gloves but those projects are yet to be started.

My current knitting, shown on our patio on a sunny afternoon last weekend is a pair of fingerless mitts. I always have cold hands in winter and find these so useful. I have no pattern I just knit them to fit!

The yarn is another holiday souvenir. I bought this on the last day of our holiday in Norway. We were in a supermarket buying our picnic lunch when I spotted the wool section and this ball just happened to end up in the basket.

Here is a photo of our picnic that day, the wool fits in well I think!

I photographed it on it's home ground amongst the arctic vegetation before it was packed away in the suitcase.

Since it was a souvenir of our holiday, its a good excuse for a few more Norway photographs. This was our lunch stop that day. It was a wonderful place for a picnic, above the arctic circle and with temperatures of over 20ÂșC.

Absolutely beautiful. I hope I can go back someday but if not I'll have my souvenir mitts!

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