Monday, 30 March 2020

one week in

Here we are, a week into the restrictions placed upon us to slow the spread of Covid-19. We are allowed out once a day for exercise, a run, walk or cycle of our usual length and as infrequently as possible for shopping for food. Since retiring, on days we spend at home, we  have been in the habit of walking for an hour or two in the morning and then a shorter walk in the afternoon. This week we have had to be content with just the one walk but I am very grateful for that.

Spring is here and walking from home is a pleasure. We see many more people than we normally do whilst walking but everyone is being very careful to maintain the required 2 metre gap as we pass.

The warm weather has brought out the spring flowers, wild cherry blossom and buds on the horse chestnut.

In a sheltered spot I found bluebells and wood anemone.

The hedges are turning white with blackthorn.

Walking this week, I have been very grateful for the countryside around our home and for having a garden, there are many less fortunate. In the coming weeks there may be more restrictions to being outdoors brought into force but for now at least we can enjoy our daily walks.

1 comment:

Moonroot said...

Lovely photos! Hope you're keeping well.