Thursday 16 August 2007

A mixed sort of day

It was a bit of a mixed day yesterday. Firstly the weather was very mixed. I took this photo first thing in the morning, its not very clear but it was an almost perfect spider's web really shining in the early morning sunshine. The day looked fine and bright so I did three loads of washing. Goodness, did it rain. We had several short spells of really heavy rain (raining stair rods as my mother would say). In between it was bright sunshine and I must have taken the washing in and out about four times during the day, although in the end I won and got it all dry. A day of very mixed weather.

My husband was working from home yesterday. He needed the computer and the phone, he needed to go out so wanted lunch at a different time to us, we had to stay out of the room so he could concentrate on an important conference call and so the routine of our day seemed all mixed up.
Yesterday was also the day of my sons AS level results and the best description of them would be mixed! We now need to discuss what he will to do next, though that can wait a day or two to give us all time to think.
Yes, it was a very mixed sort of day. Today we are back to normal which is much better.

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