Tuesday 14 August 2007

Crab Apples

Our house was new when we moved into it 16 years ago. The back garden was completely barren and looked like a building site which I suppose it was. One of the first things to be planted was a crab apple (Malus "John Downie").

This is a perfect tree for a small garden. It is decorative as well as useful. This is how it looked in April this year.

Every spring it is covered in masses of white blossom and now it is laden with beautifully coloured crab apples.

I will be picking these in a day or two, if it stops raining, and making crab apple jelly.


Anonymous said...

This is such an inspiration - we are gradually planting trees on our patch but for a long while it felt like we did nothing but chop them down (leyandii)- I was thinking of a crabapple for outside our porch (as yet unbuilt)

Polly said...

Crab apple trees are beautiful aren't they? We planted three in our front garden when we moved here almost four years ago. They look gorgeous when they are flowering but the fruit are not as pretty as yours.

Lis said...

Beautiful pictures as always - I have given you an award - details are on my blog :)

willow said...

Thanks for the comments. There are several different varieties of crab-apples and some have much smaller (although very attractive) fruit, I think that this variety is supposed to have the best fruits for cooking.
Thank you for the award, Lisa. Its nice to be thought of as nice -if you know what I mean!