Thursday, 13 December 2007

Red Sky

Red sky in the morning,
Shepherd's warning.
Red sky at night,
Shepherd's delight.

My younger son took this photo from the car as we were driving to the station earlier this week. It really was a brilliant sunrise and the pink colour seemed to spread over half of the sky.

We wondered if the saying would prove true and that there would be some bad weather ahead. Sure enough we have had very cold weather (well cold for us at this time of year - minus 5C) and very white frost since that morning. I am always surprised by how often this little rhyme seems to be right.

1 comment:

Heather L. said...

I was just thinking of you today as I was reading the October issue of Country Living that a friend brought over from the UK. I love that magazine, and I was delightfully surprised to find how "green" they are going with all sorts of support for farmers, for home gardeners, etc. (I don't get to see the magazine except once a year or so).

I even read about a farm that sells pints of their organic, raw, unpasteurized milk. Over here, farmers aren't allowed to sell that directly to customers. We have to go the roundabout way of buying a cow share and paying room and board every month. I'm guessing it must be legal to sell raw milk in the UK.That's great!